W26 Star Wars 02 WFF Vxp

W26 Star Wars 02 WFF Vxp

Projeto 030
Nome W26 Star Wars 02 WFF Vxp
Autor Master Mendes
Créditos -
Categoria Digital
Formato Vxp
Tamanho 320x385 pixels
Tela ( ) Redonda ( X ) Quadrada
Informações Somente para Smartwatch W26 - Versão w26_B_716_200919
Funções 67,7kb
Baixe Grátis

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22 Comentários

  1. Very nice bro new faces best and best

  2. Need Avengers faces ....

  3. Hi! Please make toy story vxp for w26 resolution

  4. Please make Apple Watch Memoji for boy. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for your work. I download all W26 watch faces. Please make Apple Watch Memoji for W26. Thank you very much.

    1. hi friend, i will write it down on the order list. but be patient as we have a lot of orders in progress. As soon as possible I will do.

  6. Ensina aí como que faz brow! Custa nada!😅😅

  7. Hi brother, i'm writing from Turkey. As i guess you are from Brazil. Firstly i want to thank you for all of these W26 watch faces bcs there lot's of 240x240 pixel which doesn't fit to my watch appropriately as you know. I'm curious about can you make W26 analogue watch ? Is it possible ? If not you can continue to produce more W26 clock faces. Bcs it is cheap and everyone needs more and more different W26 faces, specially whole Apple original faces adapted for our W26. Huge thank you for all brother, if you give me active mail or whatsapp/telegram adress we can have contact more bcs i'm also a graphic designer :) Have a good day

    1. Hi friend, thank you !!! the w26 does not support custom analog watch faces, it’s a pity. I will publish new faces soon.

  8. Ottima applicazione spero di vedere altri quadranti

  9. Como faço para colocar no meu G500 ?



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