Solar Quadrada 240x240 - Pedido +Dashig Code +Roger Brown +Codyo1997

Solar Quadrada 240x240 - Pedido +Dashig Code +Roger Brown +Codyo1997

Projeto 144
Nome Solar 
Autor Master Mendes
Crédito Crédito
Categoria Digital
Formato vxp
Baixe Grátis

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2 Comentários

  1. The sun does not move with time, can you make sun move on change of time?

    1. Hello Friend Farooque Mohammad
      Welcome to the blog!
      Really the sun does not move, this watch face is not animated.

      I've been trying to make this animation, though, I'm not having much success because the animation does not look so good.

      The features we have for watch faces vxp are somewhat limited so we have to find ways to make it work.

      Believe me, I'm trying to do my best and as soon as I can get put here and there in the community as well.



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